Trailer Park Quarterly...

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Many thanks to Rebecca Schumejda and the folks at Trailer Park Quarterly for publishing “19 Literary, Musical, and Cultural Allusions in Chinese Gucci.” It was fun to go back through the book and pluck these out.

Did you catch any of these with your initial read?

Yr Boy Finally Got Into Yale!

Well, sort of.

Here’s an exciting announcement from your friend and mine, Bill Roberts — the madman behind Bottle of Smoke Press — whose archives have just been acquired by The Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Yale University.

What that means around McCreesh HQ is that there will be super-snazzy hardcover copies of (at minimum) the following titles, maintained in perpetuity ‘til the sun (or some such) takes it all away:

SUNLIGHT (for OA Press)
THIRST (for Artistically Declined Press)
CHINESE GUCCI (for DrunkSkull Books)

Plus any issues of BOTTLE I was in, along with some broadsides, correspondence between Bill & I, and possibly an unpublished old manuscript.

Apologies for the click-baity misdirection…I’m just super-jazzed to be part of the whole enchilada. Since 2002, BoSP has been putting out really gorgeous books by heavyweights and newcomers alike, a proud body of work that can soon be researched.

Viva la small press!