T-Shirts Have Landed...

I picked up the T-Shirts on my lunch hour earlier this week — and they are snazzy! I have a thing about texture, and never want to wear a scratchy t-shirt again, so rest assured, these are comfy!

The books are still being finalized and then printed. But because there are limited numbers of style and colors (and because my options weren’t set up correctly before!), I figured it might be worth mentioning this new purchasing option made possible by the computer magic behind the website here: Afterpay.

With it, you can get the cost of any order at the store broken into 4 monthly installments instead of shelling out for the whole enchilada up front. The new option should be turned on, so now that holiday budgets are getting tight, this hopefully makes grabbing up anything on offer bit easier to manage!

Thanks again for your interest in my work, and stay safe out there!