Hosho McCreesh

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End Results and Solid Beginnings...

File Under: Holy Shit

Okay, so, on the off chance that someone out there is interested, I feel obligated to mention that there's a THIRST clamshell available from the Antiquarian Bookseller's Association of America...

But, man, that's a LOT of ham for two eggs. Terrific product shot though!

File Under: Propers

My relative silence these past couple weeks is due, in large part, to my work with Josh and Decant Editorial. If you don't know Joshua Mohr, you should -- he's a fine writer with a grip of truly interesting books out from Two Dollar Radio and Soft Skull Press. He's also a teacher. But above all else, he is a lover of words and writing. He and I are hard at work on a rewrite of Chinese Gucci, and even early on I already know the book is a tighter, leaner read for his insights.

A book has a tremendously lonely existence, especially early on. At first, only one person knows or cares at all. Eventually, maybe a couple more do as the book transforms from a silly vision inside one twisted noodle to, hopefully, a strange object with an appreciative readership. In between, just a handful of people see early drafts, or care too. Now decent editing ain't cheap, but If you're about to finish a manuscript, I suggest considering Josh as one of those handful who will care for it.


File Under: Hustling

Last but not least, for anyone waiting: I will have signed copies of the new book, And Turns Still the Sun at Dusk Blood-Red in the STORE...eventually. Of course, BoSP has them available now