ben tanzer

Shooting Stick...

Shooting Stick...

Ben Tanzer has always been a tireless supporter of small press lit and a champion of many a writer. He’s been pivotal in the promotion of quite a few of my books, and finally I got the chance to repay the favor! When he told me he was putting together a line-up of friends and folks to read all the stories in his recently re-released collection UPSTATE, I immediately said I wanted to be a part of it — and do whatever I could to help him spread the word about a project for a change!

The story, “Shooting Stick,” is right up my alley: understated yet moving, with those familiar pangs between fathers and sons. And, you know, drinks and a pool hall! I hope I did the thing justice with my reading, and I especially hope you’ll go give it a listen, and support Ben, his books, and all his generous endeavors in the small press community.

And until the day we actually get to share a drink and maybe a game of pool, to Ben I’ll just say cheers,” and thanks for letting me be a part of it.

Listen to ALL THE STORIES in the collection, UPSTATE via the link below!

This Podcast Will Change Your Life with Brian McGettrick, Ben Tanzer, and Hosho McCreesh

This Podcast Will Change Your Life with Brian McGettrick, Ben Tanzer, and Hosho McCreesh

Yes, the floodwaters are beginning to rise…the dam has burst, the pre-sale is underway, and we are merely ankle-deep in the forthcoming flood of promotions for the A DEEP & GORGEOUS THIRST - UNABRIDGED AUDIO project.

And what better way to dip your toe in than a podcast-down-memory-lane with lit-man-meets-Charlie Hustle himself, Ben Tanzer and the criminally under-infamous Brian McGettrick? We wander like drunken moths through the lamp-light of the small press, reliving the how and the where of both how we first all met each other and the small grip of places that’ve published us. And fear not, intrepid listener — we name names (and surely forget some too)! All in all, it was a great way to start the wheels a-churnin’ and I’m sure I speak for us all when I say we hope you enjoy the listen!