and turns still the sun at dusk blood-red

Get Some!

BLOOD-RED Hardback spotted in the wild!

BLOOD-RED Hardback spotted in the wild!

There's been a BLOOD-RED sighting out there in the wild! Have you seen a copy anywhere?

I have added a couple new items to the STORE. You may notice quantities are very limited. In the case of the new BoSP book, I should get more copies of both hardbacks and paperbacks, and of course Bottle of Smoke probably has copies too; as for All the Days, All the Things -- well, that's the last of them. It was my first book, way back in 1999. Someone wrote, looking for a copy, and I managed to dig up a couple -- so there's the last of them for anyone with a lonely shelf!

The Chinese Gucci rewrite continues, so I better quit farting around and get back to it!

Truth or Consequences...

The launch of AND TURNS STILL THE SUN AT DUSK BLOOD-RED gets closer every day. Have you signed up for the GIVEAWAY at GOODREADS? You should. The book wants you to read it as much, if not more, than you do!

In other news...

File Under: Rolling
A weekend getaway to Truth or Consequences, NM

In response to a challenge from the radio quiz show "Truth or Consequences" in 1950, this small New Mexico town changed their name from Hot Springs. Why Hot Springs? Because the town sits over a geothermal hot spring. You can rent kitschy little rooms, some with their own private tubs inside, and spend a weekend walking to a handful of cool restaurants, unique shops, and the like. Rumor has it Geronimo even soaked there...the only time in his life he was unarmed! Maybe not the top of the list for first time NM visitors, but a place worth visiting if you ever get the chance.

File Under: Watching
Tangerine - Great little film shot with 3 iPhones!
Ex Machina - Creepy & cool, Oscar Issac continues a solid run.
Love Streams - Rowlands & Cassavettes - I mean, doesn't anyone make charmingly enjoyable and imperfect movies anymore?

File Under: Bragging
Lori at the Spark, is looking forward to AND TURNS STILL THE SUN AT DUSK BLOOD-RED - Can't wait until you read it, Lori!

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